Arthur Brogli was (is?) a Californian of Alpine origin whose '70s D.I.Y. release "Happy Yodeling" (sorry Goths, no gloomy yodeling here) features, apart from vocals, pretty much only accordion. Which, strangely enough, makes it resemble the "Philip Glass For Accordion" album we recently featured here. A playlist that goes back and forth between these two albums might make for an interesting experience.

Arthur doesn't shoot his wad all at once - you have to wait 3 minutes into the album before you get any yodeling. But that's okay, "Happy Wanderer" is one of my favorite polkas. Then he plays an instrumental. But after that he does get down to some serious yodel action, including a swell version of that much-hated Disney tune, "It's A Small World," thus proving that yodeling makes everything fun.
Arthur Brogli - Happy Yodeling
This has been another fine windbag contribution.
Thanks...I love yodeling music. I even bought a CD so I could learn how to yodel. I haven't done it yet, because that's what I always do. No follow-through. But listening to yodeling, I find it to be entertaining, and there's a beauty and otherworldly sadness in the sound. Many thanks for posting.
And you know Slim Whitman yodels "It's a Small, Small World," too, on his RED RIVER VALLEY album--also does a version of "Rhinestone Cowboy." The cover photo was taken out of Heber Valley, Utah; on the other side of that peak is Provo/Orem, of the Utah Empire, Osmonia. Windbag
Really, Utah? I assumed it was the Alps...
weird stuff from Sweden malmö.
/ Sthlm
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