This album continues the concept, with American politicos Humphrey, Thurmond, Rockefeller, Lindsay, Nixon, LBJ, Agnew, Buckley, Reagan, and Daley finding their voices ripped out of their original context, now making various bizarre and neurotic statements to Robin, playing their psychiatrist. It's still quite funny and clever, even if you don't know much about the speakers. Even more impressive: it's recorded live. Not sure how he did it in the days before laptop samplers. Maybe he had all the voices, and pauses allowing for him to speak, pre-recorded on a long tape. If so, his timing's amazing.

Both sides of this album are pretty short (side two's only ten minutes long) so you just get two tracks here, one for each side:
Alen Robin: "SUPERSHRINK!"
I used to have this record!
It's very funny.
All I remember (I think it's Hubert Humphry) at a psychiatrist's session repeating "Naked, really naked" over & over with Nixon laughing.
Can't wait to hear it again.
Ah, old childhood comedy memories.
Yes, that "naked" phrase is used on this album, as well as the other Robin album i posted years ago which is, in fact, entitled "Naked, Really Naked." Hopefully I can get that one up again one day....
He has an album titled "Naked. Really Naked"?
Wow, that's funny.
I listened to some of it with my kid yesterday (he graduated college last year) & we were both laughing heartily.
Thanks again.
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