Monday, February 14, 2005


-Pheugoo cross-breeds rapper Jay-Z with some classic 18th century Americana in "Oh Encore"

- Lex Plays Cheese, in this instance, fusing the mod '60s grooviness of the theme from "The Odd Couple" with the modern bubblegum disco of SClub7 into "Soddcouple7," available here.

- Mr Shhh time-warped the Beastie Boys back to the days when mc's had to bust rhymes over banjos and whistling: "Boys Went A-Courtin'," which is "Intergalactic" over a track from Harry Smith's Anthology of American Folk Music: "King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki-Me-O" by Chubby Parker. The direct link isn't working. Hmm. Well, get it from here.

- and it doesn't get sillier than this: DJ Tripp from The SanFran area asked me to do a Depeche Mode song called "Sea of Sin" in a lounge stylee for a bootleg Depeche collection he's compiling. He asked for it, he got it. Mr Fab and his Bargain Slacks sing "Sea of Swing" over a karaoke version of Louis Prima's "Just A Gigolo." Sing along!

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