Punk classics. Cumbia style. With lesbian lyrics. Does it get any better?!
Well, it could get a little better. Over the course of the entire album, it's apparent that their singing is merely okay, and that they favor the same tempo throughout (some songs could use a little speeding up.) But when that "Iron Man" riff slams down, joined by Latin percussion and cheezy keyboards, all is forgiven.
Kumbia Queers "Kumbia Nena"
01 - Chica De Calendario
02 - Que No Quede GuÌeya (Grupo Bronco, a popular Mexican band)
03 - Kumbia Dark (The Cure "Love Song")
04 - El Veraneo
05 - Mis Botas (Nancy Sinatra)
06 - La Isla Con Chicas (Madonna)
07 - Chica De Metal (Black Sabbath)
08 - La China Es Cumbianchera (Ramones "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker")
09 - Kumbia Zombie
And I threw in a bonus track, this excellent mashup:
Kumbia Queers vs Beastie Boys - dj Guztavo
Hmmm... sounds like "Come, be a ...." Windy
Ha, yes, recruiting the youngsters, I've heard that "those people" do that!
OMG how awesome. I literally burst out laughing in the first 15 seconds of "Chica de Metal" and kept right on listening. This is great camp! I can't wait to turn some of my friends on to this.
And, Mr. Fab, please get off the Internet and go read a book. Preferably something written after the 1950s.
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