Jews On Vinyl "...was developed in association with the publication And You Shall Know Us By the Trail of Our Vinyl: The Jewish Musical Past As Told By the Records We Have Loved and Lost (Crown, 2008), a project of the non-profit Idlesohn Society for Musical Preservation, which reissues

These kinds of records are ubiquitous in American thrift-stores and used record shop bargain bins, and I buy 'em occasionally. But this exhibit puts them in a sociological conte

Micky Katz "The Most Mishige"
Like a Jewish Spike Jones, Katz made kosher mincemeat of popular songs of the day thru his zany upbeat parodies, laced with lots of Yiddish words I don't know. His still-teenaged son, future Broadway star Joel Grey sings the track "Holidays."
THE BARBER OF SCHLEMIEL (Mickey Katz) | RECORDED: July 25/58 | |
THE POIPLE KISHKE EATER (Sheb Wooley) | July 25/58 | |
YIDDISHE MAMBO(Sid Kuller-Mel Diamond) | Nov.16/54 | |
DOWNTOWN STRUTTERS' BALL (Shelton Brooks) | Jan.9/52 | |
HOLIDAYS (Mickey Katz) | Aug.13/51 | |
NUDNICK THE FLYING SCHISSEL (Mickey Katz-Irving Fields) | Nov.4/57 | |
KNISH DOCTOR(Ross Bagdassarian) | July 25/58 | |
k'NOCK AROUND THE CLOCK(Jimmy De Knight-Max C. Freedman) | Aug.23/55 (2:03) | |
WHERE IS MY PANTS? (Georges Auric-William Engvick) | Aug.6/53 | |
CHINATOWN, MY CHINATOWN (Jean Schwartz-William Jerome) | May 12/50 | |
CHEDER DAYS(Gus Edwards-Will D.Cobb) | July 2/51 | |
IT'S A MICHAYE IN HAWAIYE(Mickey Katz) | July 25/58 |