Here's something quite wonderful that I found on the CartoonBrew blog: a song that is not only one of the first Disney-related records (from 1930), but also perhaps cartoon music god Carl Stalling's first record. It's not the manic Looney Tune type of thing he's famous for, but it's still a fun bit of 78 rpm wonderfulness that Bonzo Dog Band fans should eat up: the second verse is sung in a particularly strange voice, accompanied by appropriately cartoonish sound effects. And dig that jammin' xylophone solo!
Leo Zollo & His Orchestra "Minnie's Yoo-Hoo"
fabulous find, Mr. Fab!
Mickey's son and daughter will be thrilled.
This was used as a theme on the Disney Channel years ago and I always wanted to get a complete copy. Thanks a lot! Now I can share it with the grown up kids and indoctrinate my grandson.
Where'd you find this one?
It was also used (a different recording) for the 1970s Disney program called "The Mouse Factory" and played over the closing credits as I recall.
could you fix the url? i can't seem to play the song anymore.
hoppurtoppur3: I'll try to get it up soon.
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