Friday, December 14, 2007

Wake Me Up When September 11 Ends

Station Manager Ken of WFMU hosted a "Remix Rudy Giuliani" contest in which contestants made music from sampled quotes of the former New York mayor and current presidential candidate. Out of over 50 entries, here's the winner: it features Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends," an instrumental version by Nader (appropriate band name!), and some NPR.

RIAA: "Wake Me Up When Sept 11 Ends"

But there were plenty of other class entries, like Gary Lambert's Beatles-inspired Revolution No 9/11. And my own missus made one! Her first one, she's so proud. It uses Ok-Go (you know, those treadmill-video guys).

Mrs Fab: "Here He Goes Again"


  1. "Revolution 9/11" was chilling, "Here He Goes Again" made me chuckle and "Wake Me When Sept. 11 Ends" gave me goosebumps.

  2. cool - excellent work!
