Monday, December 10, 2007


"It Is To Laff" is an outrageous, gleefully tasteless various-artists free download album not for the easily offended. The guilty parties are all using pseudonyms, and for good reason. There's actually some well-produced stuff here, and some serious songs thrown in (as anti-comedic relief?) I wonder if people writing "LOL" really are laughing out loud, but I actually did with some of this stuff, like:

DJ M.Aynot Feed "
Get Ur Typewriter On" - Leroy Anderson's "The Typewriter," one of the great '50s sound-effects novelty records, goes ghetto. The opening seconds really did give me involuntary guffaws.

DJ LOL "Voicemail This Way" features a hysterical phone message; Is this for real? If so, where's it from?

SoulWacker "Smells Like Your Muddah" - Allan Sherman goes grunge.

"Turd Night!" deserves special notice as the most over-the-top insanely filthy piece of musical excrement to be flushed down the internet in recent memory, as Gwen Stefani and the formerly wholesome Bay City Rollers find their lyrics chopped up and re-arranged for scatological effect, amidst a flurry of rude sounds, song parodies, and deranged conversation. A messy masterpiece.

DJ Breakfast Burrito:
"Turd Night!"

"It Is To Laff" (also available here.)

Download it, print out the artwork, and makes copies for your loved ones - your holiday shopping problems solved!


  1. This is one of the funniest and bizzare things I've ever heard. Who the hell remembers "Let There Be Drums" by Sandy nelson and then riff on it? Thanks for this. I have the phone call featured in "Voicemail This Way" It's a legit call from a guy on his way to work when he saw the accident.

  2. Crazy MENTAL funny. Makes Weird Al sound like Kenny G.

    - Cat S. Trophy
