Thursday, February 02, 2012


Amy Beth is an Elvis impersonator who sounds NOTHING like Elvis. She does, however, make a great cat-being-run-over-by-a-steamroller impersonator. And if she does indeed have her own band, they do a great impression themselves - of cheezy drum-machine karaoke backing tracks. "Heartbreak Hotel" like you've never heard it before. You've been warned:

My ears, my ears! Hey masochists, buy a whole album of this stuff. What, you want more?!? Here's a dog of a "Hound Dog," complete with canine noises:

Don't blame me! *points finger at windy*

1 comment:

  1. Pick up FULL SERVICE LOVE, too! Support this artist! Anyone going to any of her shows/tour? Apparently does her show in Las Vegas occasionally, though she's from Rhode Island. Some postings on, too. Major talent find! -- Windy
