Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stairway to Gilligan's Island

To celebrate the legacy of the recently deceased Sherwood Schwartz, creator of a favorite childhood TV show of mine, "Gilligan's Island," here's another one of my childhood faves, the ingenious proto-mashup by a San Fran band, Little Roger and the Goosebumps:

"Gilligan's Island (Stairway)"

(Thanks to WFMU!)


  1. I'm still looking for this one. I have "Kennedy Girls" by Little Roger & the Goosebumps on Richmond 5A 45 single (1979 by SPLASH PRODUCTIONS), which is a (???) version of Neil Young & Crazyhorse's "Cinnamon Girls," and there's also a great mashup, "Green Haze," which combines the lyrics from the GREEN ACRES TV show and Jimi Hendrix's music, "Purple Haze," by Elvis Hitler. Windy

  2. "Green haze" sounds like a brilliant idea, I can totally imagine that.
