Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bah! Humbug: The Alternative Christmas Album

"Bah! Humbug" is a now-deleted collection of acoustic satirical songs by a bunch of British folkies, with a couple classic American ringers from Tom Lehrer and Loudon Wainwright III. The low-key folk setting is an amusing contrast to such potentially dark material such as "The Man That Slits The Turkey's Throats At Christmas," a lovely acapella vocal number.

Funny stuff, and maybe just the thing if you're starting to get sick of Christmas music. Grab the whole thing here:

Bah! Humbug: An Alternative Christmas Album

Thanks to Santa Chris!


  1. Please, re-up soon!!!
    (and, for the first but not last time, thank you soooooooooo much for all the weirderful music!)

  2. Frugal Moosehead -
    Thanks for the Re-Up.
    Brings tears of Christmas Joy to my eye.
