Thursday, August 30, 2007


Bizarre juxtapositions galore! Day-glo cartoon nightmares, sick humor, cult films, twisted tunes, today all from Los Angeles-based artists for some reason. It's this heatwave, I tells ya - our brains are melting. Now it's your turn:

DJ PaulV might be a top L.A. club and radio spin-meister, but no designer shades, fur coats, and posses for him - he's got a silly streak wide as Sunset Blvd., as evidenced by his latest mix "Din Daa Da Axel." Twink's toy-piano/toy sound-effects version of the '80s instro hit "Axel F" is absurd enough, but mixed with George Kranz's nonsensical "Din Daa Daa" vocals pushes it all into cartoon territory.

DJ PaulV: "Din Daa Da Axel"

The Illuminoids are not just a secret society of conspirators, they're also a crew with ties to both classic punk and lounge-revivalists, and their latest tune shows just the kitsch-meets-punk aesthetic you'd expect: John Water's notorious underground film "Pink Flamingos" meets the Beatles over a stomping beat from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. The Egg Lady meets the Egg Man, and Satan dropping by only adds to the whole wrong-ness of it all. 666, sick sick sick!

The Illuminoids: "Satan Said Walrus Eggs"

If any film can challenge "Pink Flamingos" in the controversy department it would be David Lynch's waking nightmare "Eraserhead." Lo! Peter Iver's song "In Heaven" from the film (and sound fx, dialogue) vs The Crystal Method's boomin' "Ready For Action" and one of the most twisted artifacts of the LA punk scene, Geza X's "Mean Mr. Mommy Man" = fun weirdness:

RIAA: "Eraserhead Seranade."

David Lynch is the king of cinema surrealism and I don't want to hear any of you smart-alecks say Luis Bunuel. Yeah, I'll give you his early Dali collaborations, but most of Bunuel's stuff wasn't really surreal - he was primarily a satirist. Lynch usually has no such agenda. MR. FAB HAS SPOKEN!


  1. Funny you should be doing "Eraserhead"... i've just started working on a track using samples from Blue Velvet!

    Loving this blog a lot :)


  2. Aw yeah, thanks for listing me! Definitely no fur, shades or posse here...but thanks for noticing the silly streak! Gotta make 'em laugh sometimes, ya know?

    xxoo - DJ Paul V.

  3. Yes but.....check Am I Right for the weirdest song parodies, music and CD art.

  4. hi...great site! thanks for the great "revue" of our illuminoids track...i will be looking thru this page for days...i mainly collect ummmm...these sorta indescribable records from the 50's to the 70's...check out our site & our radio show illumination radio (there's a link on the site there's also a link to my 50's/60's radio show intoxica-if ya like really weird records this is right up yer alley-
    howie pyro
