Tuesday, January 09, 2007


When I was guest-DJing on "Radio Mysterioso" (see previous post), I told SpaceBrother, the show's host, that I had brought some music by Rael. He exclaimed, "Wow, I didn't know he made music. He's one of my favorite kooks!" Yep, mine too. As leader of the UFO cult the Raelians, he fooled the ever-lazy & gullible media by claiming to have actually cloned a human being. And doesn't he look snazzy in his white tunic and flashy jewelry, posing in front of flying saucers?

But he actually started his professional career as a singer/songwriter in France in the '60s before he got into the space-guru business. Going by the name Claude Celler, he made several recordings and performed extensively. An encounter with a flying saucer ended his music career, but he still records tunes occasionally. His style owes much to Jacques Brel. Despite the modern production, he still has that world-weary '60s French pop feel that I've called "existential-lounge." Only now he's singing about aliens. Specifically, the Elohim, the race who he claims contacted him with their message of peace and brotherhood. There's a page of mp3s of his latest songs here, including this one:

Rael: "Elohim" - Click on the title, & it'll take you to the download.

Any French speakers care to translate? Merci!


  1. Translation:
    For have been built Cathedrales,
    Temples, and then mosques.
    Created gods of the fathers,
    (unsure what he says here)

    And we have called you Gods,
    Without thinking about what we were saying.
    And we even made the error,
    making believe you grant our wishes

    Men have gathered great riches,
    On the backs of the believers.
    And gathered money from the masses,
    Just to enrich the clergy.

    Still you sent to us guides,
    Jesus, Buddah, and Mohamed.
    And we built churches,
    synagogues, and mosques.

    Now that we can understand,
    how you have created us.
    We must build, without waiting,
    Your wonderous residence.

    As was said by the great prophet,
    we could see, if we love you,
    the new work which he has given.


    Well, those are the truths which my french speaking mind has learned from Rael. It seems to me he traded diction for that wispy space sound in parts, so it may not be perfect, but is pretty close.
