Monday, October 09, 2006


Another site dedicated to groovy Asian-a-go-go sounds of the '60s, Tofu Magazine's Asia Beat focuses on Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore 1964-1969. Not nearly as many mp3s available as Asian Pop Oldies, but check out the record cover scans!

"The Beatles concert in Hong Kong in 1964 marked the birth of the golden age of the Hong Kong pop scene. From 1964 to 1969, a great number of bands appeared. They sung in English, as Cantonese and Mandarin songs were considered to be old fashion. These bands normally did cover versions of songs from the UK or the US..."

And KidG sez, "Much of Singapore's music scene back in the 60s & 70s died when the govt clamped down hard on musicians due to the drug connection. Basically in their eyes, long hair hippie = drug junkie. Although it's not as serious as China's Cultural Revolution, much of Singapore's creativity when it comes to music died during that time."

Asia Beat


  1. looks like asianpopoldies is dead. Has it popped up somewhere else now?

  2. Damn, what suckiness. If it has moved, I can't find it.

    Now I wish I HAD DownloadedThemAll...
