Thursday, November 03, 2005


For some reason (increasing public interest? coincidence? conspiracy?) several documentary films have been produced in the past year or so about some of the major figures in outside music, with more on the way.

"dErailRoaDed: Inside The Mind of Larry "Wild Man" Fischer" - Now on the film festival/art-house circuit. Watch the trailer featuring Frank Zappa and Mark Mothersbaugh.

"The Devil and Daniel Johnston" - Also currrently on the festival circuit. There are clips from the film on the site but I couldn't get them to work.

"Bruce Haack: The King of Techno" - Out now on DVD. Watch the trailer (he appeared on "Mr Rogers"?!)

"You're Gonna Miss Me" - about Roky Erickson. Can't find a site for the fim, but here's a review.

Although there was a stage musical about The Shaggs, the film, a fictionalized "bio-pic," as they say in Hollywood, has been delayed (in "turn-around," as they also say.) Tom Cruise (?!?) was once interested in making a film about The Shaggs.


  1. I also heard talk of a documentary on Hasil Adkins... dunno if that's just rumor, though. On a side note, Hasil lived about half an hour away from me. One of my friends called him one day and left numerous messages on an answering machine. These messages were later incorporated into a song found on one of Hasil's vast pile of tapes.

  2. Don't forget Jandek on Corwood, which came out on DVD at almost exactly the same time Jandek started playing live gigs.

    There's also a documentary about Gordon Thomas, Everything's Coming My Way, that's supposed to be playing here in Chicago soon. And I recently saw Big City Dick, the Richard Peterson doc that was pretty good. Hey, let's put on an Outsider Music film festival!!!

  3. That reminds me - I did see a doc. about Hasil Adkins in the early '90s I think. It was a public television special. 'Twas screened for free at the Rhino Records store...(checks Yahoo) Ah, yes, here it is: "The Wild World of Hasil Adkins" 1993, by the maker of "Dancing Outlaw," another amazing doc.

    Someone actually made a movie about Gordon Thomas? Who's next, Li'l Markie? Rhonda? ME? Actually, I was interviewed for a short film. Maybe what Warhol meant was, in the future, everyone will have a documentary made about them...

  4. If they ever make a documentary on Tor Hershman or Wayne Butane then I know there is a God!

    Just out of curiousity,Mr. Fab, What documentary/short film were you interviewed for?

  5. Eh, nothing to do with this site actually...*cringes in embarassment*...
    Scroll down to Mashup Music pts 1& 2.
    If you must.

  6. yes! i've got a copy of that 'WILD WORLD OF HASIL ADKINS' documentary. very interesting film.

  7. I'd forgotten all about "Dancing Outlaw"! I've also just decided that I must be the king of weirdo name-dropping. I've ran into Jesco's sister and was at a party where another one of his relatives showed up.

  8. the haack movie is worth seeing, i guess. not the best movie, but an interesting story underneath. here is a review that i pretty much agree with:

  9. thanx 4 d.j. - i'll definetly get it or see it. he gave me so much.

  10. A doc about TOR Hershman, "The Greatest Story Seldom Told," should be the title.

    Ahhhhh, but till then, TOR will be Loooooooooooong dead, here is Radio TOR.
