Thursday, August 11, 2005


Coldplay (bet you never thought you'd see them mentioned here, did you?) have a new single called "Talk" that sounds suspiciously like Kraftwerk's "Computer Love," from their classic 1981 "Computer World" album. Anyone know if there are any German names in the Coldplay album writing credits? They certainly didn't sample or remix the original recording of "Computer Love" - might just be a good old-fashioned rip-off. A mashup (from Really Interesting Audio Adventures, in this instance) was inevitable:

RIAA: "Kraftplay"


  1. Funny story, thanks. And surprising - from what I understand Kraftwerk doesn't like being sampled. Maybe if you recreate their music w/live instruments, it's ok...

  2. Kraftwerk just doesn´t like being sampled without being asked !

  3. They give credit to Kraftwerk in the liner notes to the new CD.

  4. Why would Kraftwerk say no? Talk introduced this band to people who hadn't heard of them before.

  5. A friend of mine who is a big Krafwerk fan has noticed at least 3 coldplay songs that are taken from Kraftwerk tracks. Apparently he recently went to see Kratwerk on their tour and wondered why they didnt play Computer Love and the other tracks mentioned. He emailed Kraftwerk asking about the coldplay find but not really expecting a reply. Within 30 seconds he had a reply stating that they had given Colplay permission to use their material. Coldplay had also requested that they didn't play these particular tracks on their tour. (I wonder why) for a percentage of Coldplays profits!

    So Coldplay are not so wonderful and original after all.....

  6. RIPOFF, more garbage from the record industry to get your money. Boycott Now

  7. “Coldplay should be applauded” for turning a Kraftwerk song into stadium rock? Indie pop poppy cock if you ask me!

    Kraftwerk Engineered their own recording and mastering equipment, slaved away in their esoteric Dusseldorf Kling Klang Studio,and for three decades hip hop reaps the benefits from the emerging of two songs ripped off by African Boombata from Kraftwerk albums.

    If thats not enough, an American “Indie Rock” group wants to hog more glory with the excuse that Kraftwerk inspired them. A fluffy creative idea racks in millions of dollars.

    Beethoven, with sweat and tears, wrote the 9th Symphony DEAF with a bloody pencil between hit teeth against the vibrating piano! And of course now you may enjoy his inspirational classics in the form of sampled orchestral loops, accompanied by redundant hip hop rhythms, playing through blaring amplifiers.
    And of course, if that’s not enough, you can download a ‘bleepity boppity’ 9th symphony ringtone on your heaven forsaken cellphone, to revere it even more!!

    The bottom line is respect for the artist. Kraftwerk has already lost their dignity and glory, for their hard work, to american pop music. So, why not just let Coldplay go the rest of the way to cloud Kraftwerk's pioneering efforts?

    Oh ok you already did. Congratulations! Let’s have a Coldplay recognition party for all that they’ve accomplished for music, just let Kraftwerk sign the paperwork to allow you to do that, you bloody scabs!
