Tuesday, February 01, 2005


You know where to find me the first Friday of the month: Club Moog, downtown Los Angeles. Dancing 'n' romancing to retro-techno hits of the '60s/'70s spun by several DJs, with trippy lighting and visuals, and, to kick things off this Fri, master thereminist Sukho Lee of the wonderfully cheezy Space-Age Japanese pop band Sexu Roba will be performing. On theremin, not Moog. But that's ok. I've seen this guy live before - he doesn't just wave his hands around and make a racket, but plays with astonishing beauty. One of the lightshow guys goes back to the '60s, and claims The Velvet Underground on his resume.

If you can't be in LA, check out this Moog-tastic album called "Electric Hair" available thru Sunday as a free listening stream, courtesy of the good people at Basic Hip.com. Scroll down to "Click'n'Play Albums," and open the pod bay doors, HAL.

Well, since I mentioned them, let's listen to Seksu Roba's "Velvet Star."


  1. Loving this Mr.Fab....
    Kinda reminds me of Sukia.

    Have a great night on Friday.

    Simon (erm.... ESH, SVC)

  2. Hey thanks man, actually I think they're better than Sukia, (who they mention down at the bottom of their website's front page, btw).
